Episode 2: Why do they wear all those strange
clothes at Mass?
Short answer: they have to wear something.
Long answer: the clothes, or as they are usually called, vestments, come from
the long history of the Church. They are a visible sign of unity with all those
who have gone before us and all those who will come after us. They are full of
rich symbolism. Why not wear modern clothes instead of weird ancient clothes?
For one reason, today’s modern clothes will become weird old-fashioned clothes
in about ten years. For a second reason, it is a reminder that “Jesus Christ is
the same yesterday and today and forever.” (Hebrews 13:8)
the changes in the Mass in the 1960’s, the things that priests wore at Mass
were all very strictly defined. Now, in the Latin Rite of the Church, some are
required, some are optional and a lot of priests leave out even the ones that
aren’t optional. In the Eastern rites of the Church, the vestments are still
governed by very strict rules.
A priest is supposed to begin with the
washing of the hands, a custom that goes back to the Israelites in the temple
and that the Jews still practice. As he washes his hands he says “Give virtue
to my hands, O Lord, that being cleansed from all stain I might serve you with
purity of mind and body.”

Second, over this he puts on a long white
robe, called an alb (Latin for, you guessed it, “white robe”). It was standard
wear at the time of Christ and was the common outfit of the ancient world, a
long tunic with loose sleeves. Jews often wear a similar alb at certain
services. It’s supposed to be worn only
by the priests and deacons. It is white in order to symbolize the white robe
that all of us received at baptism. It is a symbol of sanctifying grace and the
purity of heart that the Christian strives for. According to the book of
Revelation 7:14, the saints wear long white robes that were made white in the
blood of the Lamb. The priest or deacon says a prayer while putting on the
white robe. (Make me white, O Lord, and cleanse my heart; that being made white
in the Blood of the Lamb I may deserve an eternal reward).
Third, a priest puts on an ancient Roman
belt, which is nothing more than a rope. It’s called a cincture. The knot with
which it is traditionally tied can be seen on ancient Roman statues. It
represents self control, one of the fruits of the Holy Spirit (Galatians 5:22).
A prayer from the first Letter of Peter (1:13) is said when a priest puts on
the cincture (Gird me, O Lord, with the cincture of purity, and quench in my
heart the fire of concupiscence, that the virtue of continence and chastity may
abide in me). Good prayer. Good reminder.
Fourth and next is something called a
maniple. It is not used much anymore, but it has a beautiful symbolism. It is
thought to have derived from an ancient style of kerchief that the Romans wore
on their left arm. It was used to wipe away tears or sweat and came to be a
symbol of the pastoral work of the priesthood. I have also heard that it
represented the ropes that are sometimes shown that bound the Lord to the cross
in addition to the nails that sometimes sees in old pictures of the crucifixion.
The maniple symbolizes that the priest is bound to Christ at Mass, just as
Christ was bound. When a priest went to the pulpit to preach, he took off the
maniple and left it on the altar. In the Mass the priest represents Christ. He
takes off the maniple to show that the Mass is Christ. The sermon is the
priest. Perhaps it would be a good thing to bring back a more common use of the
maniple to remind us clergy that we are not individually infallible. The prayer
said while putting on the maniple is “May I deserve, O Lord, to bear the
maniple of weeping and sorrow in order that I may joyfully reap the reward of
my labors.”
Then fifth, the priest and the deacon put on
a stole over the amice alb and cincture while saying a prayer (Lord, restore
the stole of immortality, which I lost through the collusion of our first
parents, and, unworthy as I am to approach Thy sacred mysteries, may I yet gain
eternal joy). The stole probably comes from scarf or sash of office worn by
ancient Roman official. It was kind of ancient Roman sergeant stripes. It also
may have ties to the ancient Israelite prayer shawl and the towel that Jesus
wore to wash the feet of the disciples at the Last Supper. The priest wears it
one way and the deacon another way to symbolize their different roles in the
Church and the Liturgy. The priest stands in for Christ which is why his stole
is thought to represent the towel with which Christ washed the disciples’ feet.
The congregation is the Bride, the Body of Christ symbolically clothed in the
white robe of baptism, and the deacon? Very interestingly, in the Eastern
Church the deacon’s stole is worn outside his topmost garment, the dalmatic. It
is rearranged just before Holy Communion to represent the wings of the angels,
so at Mass you have the Lord, the Bride and the Angels represented by the
priest the deacon and the congregation.
Sixth, over all this the deacon and the
priest wear an outer garment in the Latin Church. The priest wears a chasuble;
from the Latin word “casula” the word
means the little house. It is in fact an ancient Roman overcoat. Originally it
was a semicircular piece of cloth sewn up the front which reaches down almost
to the feet on all sides. It makes it really hard to lift the arms or even to
move. That’s part of the symbolism. Love covers a multitude. (1Peter4:8.) It
represents the sacrificial love that a pastor should have for his flock. Over
the years the sides have been trimmed back for the Latin Church and the front
has been trimmed off for the Eastern Church. The priest or bishop says this
prayer when putting on the chasuble: “O Lord, who has said, ‘My yoke is sweet
and My burden light,’ grant that I may so carry it as to merit Thy grace.”
The deacon wears a dalmatic, which is
fascinating garment. It is a tunic with wide sleeves. I was always taught that
it freed up the arms so the deacon could lift things and so was symbolic of the
deacon role of service, having sleeves already “rolled up for work”. There is
more to it than that. The dalmatic was an upper class garment. The emperor wore
one. The first to wear it were probably not deacons, but bishops, and bishops
still wear a dalmatic for certain occasions. They wear it under the chasuble.
This is an important symbol. The priest wears a chasuble, the garment of
pastoral love; the deacon wears the dalmatic, the garment of pastoral service.
Everyone thinks of the Church as a kind of
military chain of command. It isn’t. The Church is meant to be a family. The
deacon doesn’t answer to the priest who in turn answers to the bishop. The
deacon is the assistant to the bishop in his ministry of service and the priest
is the assistant to the bishop in his ministry of sacrificial love. The bishop
is thus the head deacon and, at the same time, the head elder (presbyter and
priest mean the same thing.) The
dalmatic ties the ministry of the deacon to the bishop whose servant ministry
is like that of the angels. Both the bishop and the deacon say this prayer when
putting on the dalmatic “Lord, endow me with the garment of salvation, the
vestment of joy, and with the dalmatic of justice ever encompass me.”
All this is going on just in getting ready
for Mass. So why do we do it? Lots of reasons. For one thing the Bible tells us
to, “Worship the Lord in holy attire.” (Psalm 96:2) This is also translated as
“Worship the Lord in the splendor of holiness.” When we go to Mass, we leave
time and space. The clothes the minister wears are not just a good show. They
remind us that we are in a time that was long ago and a time that is yet to
come. We are eternal.
But the hats? What about the hats?
Next week: Smells and Bells and Funny hats!
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